Testimonials from clients of Hands On Health, Amoga LIfe and Ann Wilkinson
I found Ann through a friend and Alternative Medicine Angel (altmedangel.com). Ann’s profile, gave me the first bit of hope in years. I am Happy to report that after Ann’s treatments, I now stand over one inch taller than I have in over two years. With the progress I have made so far, I am fully Confident in Ann’s abilities to get me back to work.
~ J.G. Georgetown, DE
The first time I came to see Ann, my Dad had to carry me into her Treatment room. Even though I had seen many doctors for severe pain for over two years,
after my first treatment, I walked out with 90% less pain. Ann is a Miracle—my saving grace in so many ways.
~ A.J. Newark, DE
I was having incredible pain in my shoulders and feet as a result of gaining weight due to emotional trauma, protecting myself through isolation. My self esteem, body awareness and self image were severely damaged. Ann offers a treatment in the heated pool called WATSU WATER THERAPY. It was beyond what words can describe, wonderful. I felt nurtured, could feel all of my joints moving three dimensionally and was able to release the emotion of isolation. As a direct result, I have a new life. My friends say I am a different person. I am so very Grateful.
~ M.C. Wilm.,Del.
After a motor vehicle accident and 9 surgeries, I had been in pain for 20 years. I have a faulty electrical stimulation implant and I would use more than a month of my pain meds in two weeks before meeting Ann. After the first treatment, I felt pain relief for the first time. After 3 treatments, I no longer need my cane. Now 7 treatments in, No Pain Medications! My brain and skin feel so much clearer and I am so much healthier all ready.
~ S.Y.
My tailbone was injured over a year ago and no one knew what to do with me. Thank goodness, before I followed my doctors advise as it seemed th last resort, which was to have it removed I found Ann through Livingwell Magazine. She teaches a technique specific to the tailbone that honed right in on the problem. The relief was amazing. I was not aware that my tailbone was also making me have headaches besides back and hip pain. I am so Grateful.
~ B.M.
People told me her treatments were like no other. I went to her out of curiosity having no real pain issues. After the treatment, I cried. I did not realize a 9 year old radical mastectomy and reconstruction that looked esthetically perfect had felt foreign and not part of my body. I thought that was just how it would be forever accepting it. After her treatment I felt Whole again. I have since learned that my fascial system needed to integrate my new body part. the scar tissue could be released and allow a more fluid mobility. I had an unexpected, miraculous and life changing healing.
~ L.C. – Denver, CO
A world famous spiritual leader and my teacher recommended I spend one week under Ann’s care, at LitO’BitO Heaven Farm, to get daily treatment, as I was making a very important and significant life change. My treatments ranged from the most relaxing experience of Watsu Water Therapy, Therapeutic Horseback Riding, Osteopathic Bodywork, Restorative Yoga and Meditation as well as Imaging and Breathwork. This experience changed my life, reconnected me with my body, soul and life purpose, so that all of me could rise up to the occasion that has proven to be the most fulfilling life change I have ever known. Bless You for you have Blessed Me.
~ B.B. Los Gatos CA
I was a student of Ann Wilkinson’s for my Junior year affiliation for P.T. School. What I learned at her clinic, had seasoned therapist referring their patients to me as a student to help with problems that evaded them. I hope to change the way P.T. Is delivered in our country because I learned a better way. I learned a precise, love filled, hands on approach to what seems to be complex issues that with proper knowledge and care become history for a someone suffering unnecessarily.
~ J.K. Reston, VA
My adopted daughter was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and was having great difficulty walking. She could not walk more than 3 feet without falling. We went to Hands on Health for Hippotherapy. Ann explained that she balances the pelvis of her therapeutic horseback riding patients so they get the most out of their treatment by having both sit bones making contact appropriately on the horses back. This is when she made an amazing discovery. She noticed that my daughters pelvis was abnormally tight. She began to question her birth process and past medical history. Ann discovered that my daughter had sustained a pelvic fracture in utero. My daughter did not have cerebral palsy at all. It only took 3 treatments to have my daughter walking indefinitely without falling at all. She has developed normally and was removed from special education classes.
~ A.T. Wilmington, Del.
I was a lineman for the electric company. A transformer fell from 50 feet in the air and hit me in the head. I experienced severe headaches from that point on. The insurance company began to give me a very hard time saying I had a hard hat on and they could not understand why a year later I was still having symptoms. My doctor was an osteopathic MD and even though he was not treating people with osteopathic techniques, he was aware that cranial treatment might help me. He found Ann Wilkinson, an osteopathic physical therapist who uses the cranial techniques. She was able to identify the cause of my headaches and eliminate them. I am now back to my job that I love and was finally paid my wages by the insurance company. Thank Goodness something worked and my doctor knew about her.
~ G.T. Bear, DE
I was going to regular physical therapy after a fracture of my left leg that left my knee very tight. I was prescribed the protocol used for total knee replacements as my symptoms were similar. Instructed to take a heavy dose of pain medication one half hour prior to treatment, I would have treatment with eight other knee patients with the same instructions. Three therapist rotated from patient to patient. One therapist held my shoulders down while the other forced my knee into flexion and the third measured, happy if I gained 2 degrees. It was excruciating, tearful and I always left in much more pain, swollen and having to use a cane. I was told by a friend that Ann Wilkinson had a pain free technique for rehabilitation of the knee. The first treatment she requested I not take pain meds. I gained 15 degrees of motion, was able to see my knee cap for the first time in 2 months she reduced swelling so significantly, did not need my cane. I had no pain with treatment and no pain afterward. She must teach the other therapists to abandon the forceful techniques they use that are outdated She must share with them a way that is much more humane and effective. If only I had started with her right off the bat, I would be finished and back to normal long ago. My doctor was amazed and he is hard to impress.
~ P.M. Wilmington, Del.